Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Android occupies 51.8% of the smartphone market in America

No one can deny that the system Google beloved witnessed

widespread during the past year and still continues method strongly towards success and control of the ring competition is increasingly growing day after day and are statistics that are published more evidence of this speech not to mention the number of devices that are activated indaily, which exceeded 900 thousand barrier a day, according to the announcement by 

Andy Rubin in his account on Twitter.
It should be noted that it was detected that the system occupies 51.8% of the smartphone market in America in the second quarter of 2012 the current, according to the latest statistics conducted by The Nielsen Company famous are expected to increase this percentage, especially after the launch of phone Algelxa AS wealthy while occupied Apple 34.3 % only followed by BlackBerry 9% and Windows Phone 4.3%, and the system of Symbian and Palm occupied the 0.9% and 0.6% respectively.

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